Membership Online Logo
Privacy Statement
Who can see your information
A valid User Account with a password is required to access Membership Online records. Each Membership Online conference has a designated User Administrator who creates and maintains these accounts.
The type of information that each user is allowed to see is determined by the "Role(s)" assigned by the User Administrator.
A church clerk or secretary can only access membership records for their church. A pastor can access membership records for each of his or her churches. Conference personnel can access records for all churches in the conference.
Union personnel may have access to membership records if approved by the conference. This helps the union provide services more effectively and efficiently to the conferences and members.
Who we share your information with
Membership Online data is owned by the conference. We only provide it to other parties at the request of conference administration.
The conference itself may share selected membership information with other parties that it feels will serve the needs of its members.
How we protect your information
Keeping your membership information secure and confidential is one of our most important responsibilities. Our systems are protected so information remains secure.
• Firewalls block unauthorized access by individuals or networks.
• Secure transmissions ensure that information remains confidential. Membership Online uses Secure Socket Layer (SSL) to encrypt information between you and Membership Online.
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